Today’s guest is Devon Bandison. Devon was born and raised in NYC and shares the same energetic heartbeat, big personality and commitment to excellence as his hometown. Devon is a high performance coach and speaker who’s committed to individuals and organizations that want to maximize their potential in areas of leadership, productivity, fatherhood, and work-life satisfaction. His highly sought after seminars and workshops help organizations, individuals, and teams increase employee performance, motivation, engagement, and retention.

Devon’s signature talk “The Most Important Question A Father Can Ask Himself” has gained national recognition and was a featured TED Talk at TEDx Boca Raton in March 2015.
Devon currently lives in NYC and is a loving father to his three children. His children inspire him daily to create and live his own legacy of leadership.
You can find out more about him at Sign up for his 7-week academy here: Fatherhood Leadership Academy.
This episode is being sponsored by THE TOTAL WELLNESS CHALLENGE. In the Total Wellness Challenge, for 30 days, Ginny Wright will provide instruction and guidance to support us as we earn and post daily points in 3 categories: nutrition, fitness and lifestyle. Check it out today and join Michael & other Conscious Explorers in the Challenge in February 2016.
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If you’re into podcasts and you want to explore some more, check out Thanks, Podcasting. Michael is the featured podcaster in Episode 025, which you can find right here: I Just Gotta Say “Thanks, Podcasting”.
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