Today’s guest is Ginny Wright. Ginny went from being a Canadian to a Virginian in 2002 with no idea what her next professional step would be, after an early career in retail. At a friend’s suggestion, she decided to apply her love of exercise to an actual career in fitness.

So, being a true example that we should do what we love and the job and success will follow, Ginny attended a personal training seminar in DC, where she was recruited on the spot by a local outdoor fitness company.
Within a year, she had started BodybyGinny, a boot-camp style of classes held in parks and other locations. Always meeting outside regardless of the weather, Ginny designs new workouts every time, and clients who have been with her for 12 years say they have never had the same class twice!
Ginny became certified as a health coach at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in 2009 and started using those tools to help herself and her clients lead healthier lives. She became interested and started reading a lot about Buddhism and mindfulness 5 years ago, and now enjoys educating her clients about that, as well.
You can check out more about Ginny and her new Total Wellness Challenge (TWC) at
This episode is being sponsored by THE TOTAL WELLNESS CHALLENGE. In the Total Wellness Challenge, for 30 days, Ginny Wright will provide instruction and guidance to support us as we earn and post daily points in 3 categories: nutrition, fitness and lifestyle. Check it out today and join Michael & other Conscious Explorers in the Challenge in February 2016.
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