Today’s guest is Scot Conway, in 1988, Scot’s father told him, “You’re not much of a man. I can’t help you, because I never figured it out. You’re smart. You’ll have to figure it out.” On the way to discovering what it really means to be a man, Scot has become an accomplished martial artist, earning 7 black belts in varying degrees in as many disciplines, and is the founder of his own style: Guardian Martial Arts.

Scot has earned a law degree and a PhD and a host of other titles and credentials. He is a philosopher, author, teacher, wise counselor and, above all, a lover of people. More importantly he has succeeded at what his father commissioned him to do: unearth the secret wisdom of Heroic Masculinity.
Scot is on a mission to create a world where Gentlemen Knights come alongside Warrior Queens to exponentially up-level how the world loves.
You can learn more about him at
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