Hello Conscious Explorers! Welcome to Episode 94 of Consciously Speaking. Today, as we are nearing our 100th episode, I want to provide you with an update on the status of the show itself presented through the perspective of Appreciation, Transparency and Requests.

Here’s the ground we’ll cover today:
- I want to appreciate you, the Conscious Explorer that you are, and I want to give a shout out to some of Consciously Speaking’s biggest fans. I’ll also share some of the reviews the show has received.
- I want to draw back the curtain on the production of the show, our evolution so far, and where I’d like to see the show progress over the next 100+ episodes. This will include what it has taken to get this far, and what it will take to keep the show going well into the future.
- I want to make some requests of you. Nothing demanding. Some simple “asks” with no pressure at all. Feel free to pick and choose which of them you can do with ease and comfort, which ones you feel most compelled to do, and which ones you have zero interest in at all.
- Join the conversation. It could be as simple as liking a post on the Facebook page, retweeting or favoriting a tweet, leaving a comment on one of the posts that interested you or even on my website.
- Feedback! I can’t make the show any better if I don’t know what you like and what you don’t like.
- If you haven’t already given the show a rating and a review, please take a moment to do that. And subscribe, too, if you haven’t already.
- Tell a friend. I love that you’re digging the show, but please don’t be stingy. Tell a friend about it. Show them how easy it is to subscribe, download and enjoy.
- Support the Consciously Speaking crowd-funding campaign.
- Let me know what kind of reward would be of most interest to you.
- Help me spread the word.
- Email a personal invitation to your friends to check out the campaign
- Tweet about it to your Twitter followers
- Post it on your Facebook page
I so very much appreciate you for listening, not just today, but always. I hope I have been transparent enough for you, and I’m willing to answer any other questions that I may not have thought to cover today. And I request that you keep on listening and chiming in every chance you get.
As I said in Episode 0, this isn’t my show – it’s our show. Thanks for being a Conscious Explorer with me, and until next time – live without limits!
Sign up for your Podcast Launch Breakthrough Call Today, and please be sure to check out our other podcasts: The PodQuest Show, Buy This – Not That! and Something to Wine About.
Please, don’t forget to subscribe to Consciously Speaking so that you don’t miss a single episode, and while you’re at it, won’t you take a moment to write a short review and rate our show? It would be greatly appreciated!
To learn more about our previous guests, listen to past episodes, and get to know your host, go to www.MichaelNeeley.com and follow us on Facebook and Twitter.