This Special Episode is a Memorial to my brother, William Paul Neeley, as well as a very personal look at one family’s grieving. In it, you will hear pieces taken from the funeral services, as well as casual conversations taking place at family gatherings.

This may not be of interest to you at all, and I completely understand if it is not. If that’s the case, just ignore this episode and rest assured the next one will be out soon and back to form. However, if you are dealing with the death of of loved one, perhaps you’ll find some solace in this show. I’d love to hear your feedback.
Today’s show is being brought to you by THE TOTAL WELLNESS CHALLENGE. In the Total Wellness Challenge, for 30 days, Ginny Wright will provide instruction and guidance to support us as we earn and post daily points in 3 categories: nutrition, fitness and lifestyle. Check it out today and join Michael & other Conscious Explorers in the Challenge in beginning February 22, 2016.
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Mike you did a very good tribute to Paul, that was simply amazing. Very well said and done. Love from the Gerlings❤️
Sorry for your brother, need to tell you as I am nearing death soon, Paul saved my life by accident. Big Bird and Keith Wilson had a murder contract on me by my ex-wife, and it was weeks away from being fulfilled when Paul did the world a favor. He, like me, was too trusting and his wife was the one who brought them into his home. Like Paul, I lost everything, including my children. Will take it to my grave. Hope he found peace, I have yet to find it. God bless.
I really appreciate the way that you not only payed respect to Paul, but the way that you showed our family and how we are and who we are. Paul was more than just a cousin to me. He was my Godfather! And with all of the supposed faults that I have heard over the years, he never once failed me or my dad! To us loyalty is paramount and he embodied it. My dad and I absolutely loved Paul and we were proud to be his cousin. And I am extremely proud that he was, IS my Godfather. I will always be grateful for his love and dedication to me and my family. He only met my wife one time many yeats ago at Jake’s. And a few weeks before he passed my wife saw him at a convenient store while in Jeff City and he stared at her briefly. He then walked up and said ” Miss, I believe I know you.” She said ” Yes, I am Brent’s wife.” He proceeded to hug and give her a kiss on the cheek. And told her to tell her to tell me how much “He loved me.” That is the man I loved and will always remember. I have never been one to show much emotion except to try to laugh through memories good and bad. All of the loss and sorry and the amazing good times! My kids have not really met anyone in our family and that is my fault. I feel the I was protecting them. I know you understand even if you don’t agree. However they both know all of the Great Ones through all of the stories I continually tell them particularly on Holidays while we laugh and cry. I relish your dad’s BBQ baked beans that he would make for us boys when we were teens but would NEVER divulge the recipe. The funny anecdotes and weird and funny songs he would break out into on a whim and then go back to whatever the conversation was. All of the family dinners and laughter that was endless and absolutely unforgettable to me as a kid and a young man. There are way too many to recount on this forum. But it is fun as hell to try. So I will stop boring you here, but I have one last thing to say. My dad and I have always been proud of you for the man you are and what you have done with your life. And for what is worth you dad was so proud too! I used to go see him all of the time, bring him chew, and he would tell me stories about my Grandpa Herb, dad, Grandma Babe and all of the the rest of the Great Ones!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts here, Brent. With Paul’s birthday being tomorrow, I am feeling the loss more closely today, and your wordfs are greatly appreciated.
All my best to you and yours!
Much love,
My name is Karl Kristopher McElroy and Paul was my cellmate for about 2 and a half years. You better take it to the bank that Paul was a good man. Im sorry for your loss and today I am grieved, just found out when I was looking him up to try and contact him. He received thousands of letters from women who wanted to meet him, He could of used or played any number of them, but that wasn’t Pauls style, He believed in family and it was my pleasure to meet him! My prayers are with you and yours!!!! That goes for the whole Neeley family!
Thank you, Karl. I know Paul would have appreciated you listening in and reaching out, as well.