Today’s guest is Josh Trent. In 2009, Josh launched as a Fitness Professional in his transition to becoming a Wellness Consultant, Corrective Exercise Specialist, Quantified Self enthusiast, & expert in Fitness Technology.
Josh’s motivation to create Wellness Force is rooted deep in the fabric of where he came from – an early childhood & adolescent life plagued with weight & health struggles. From the beginning, his intention has come from the empathy of his own story and a genuine place of being of service to others.
Josh is all about saving you time and energy, and empowering you with the wellness tools that will make a difference in your life. With over 10 years of high-level experience in the health & fitness industry since 2005, Josh is currently certified by multiple NCCA accredited fitness organizations and has provided content for many fitness & digital health publications worldwide.
Josh is also a podcaster, and you can catch his show, the Wellness Force Radio Podcast, every week, where he brings you inspiring and passionate experts in the areas of wellness technology and behavior change to empower you with the knowledge and tools on how to take the best actions in transforming your mindset, your body, and ultimately your life!
For more information on Josh and his programs, you can go to, and check out his special offer for Conscious Explorers HERE.
Today’s show is being brought to you by THE TOTAL WELLNESS CHALLENGE. In the Total Wellness Challenge, for 30 days, Ginny Wright will provide instruction and guidance to support us as we earn and post daily points in 3 categories: nutrition, fitness and lifestyle. Check it out today and join Michael & other Conscious Explorers in the Challenge in beginning February 22, 2016.
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If you’re into podcasts and you want to explore some more, check out Thanks, Podcasting. Michael is the featured podcaster in Episode 025, which you can find right here: I Just Gotta Say “Thanks, Podcasting”.
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